Our staff welcomes you to the Old Olcott Fire Station's brand new guestrooms and suites. The rooms vary in size and style. Some are simple and charming, while others are multifaceted suites with rooms and various amenities. We have something for everyone, from the weary traveler to the busy tourist!
We look forward to meeting you, and wish you a wonderful visit to Historic Olcott Beach, New York.
Our Past...And Future
Used for nearly a century by the Olcott Fire Company, the building remains a historic center for the entire community. When the OFC moved into a newly built station down the road a few decades ago, they sold their station to Bob Stedman. The building was used in a variety of ways until 2015, when Mr. Stedman launched an extensive renovation to transform the station into a unique tourist center. The initial project focused on creating second-floor rooms for visiting guests- like you!
The entire staff looks forward to returning the building to it's original grandeur...and surpassing it! Future additions include a restaurant, retail shops, and more.